Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Been A While

Hey guys!
I know it has been a while since I have written anything for this blog and I apologize. I am currently sitting down to write some stuff so bear with me a few more days. In the mean time here is a taste of what I am working on. It is a reflection by St. Bernard and it is something I am fond of reading and reflecting on when I am out climbing and camping. I hope it enriches your soul as much as it has mine.

“Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord?” (Ps. 23:3) If anyone aspires to climb to the summit of that mountain (Ex. 24:17), that is to the perfection of virtue, he will know how hard the climb is, and how the attempt is doomed to failure without the help of the Word. Happy the soul which causes the angels to look at her with joy and wonder and hears them saying, “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, rich in grace and beauty, leaning upon her beloved?” (Song 8:5). Otherwise, unless it leans on him, its struggle is in vain. But it will gain force by struggling with itself and, becoming stronger, will impel all things towards reason . . . bringing every carnal affect into captivity (2Cor. 10:5), and every sense under the control of reason in accordance with virtue. Surely all things are possible to someone who leans upon him who can do all things? What confidence there is in the cry, “I can do all things in him who strengthens me!” (Phil. 4:13) . . . “Thus if the mind does not rely upon itself, but is strengthened by the Word, it can gain such command over itself that no unrighteousness will have power over it” (Ps. 118:133).
- St. Bernard 

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